How To Make A Small Bathroom Feel Bigger

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How To Make A Small Bathroom Feel Bigger

If you have a small bathroom, you know how difficult it can be to make the space feel comfortable and inviting. But with a few simple changes, you can transform your cramped bathroom into a relaxing oasis. Here are some tips to make your small bathroom feel bigger.

1. Use Light Colors

Light colors will make your bathroom feel more spacious. Choose light-colored tiles, walls, and accessories to create a bright and airy atmosphere. Using a monochromatic color scheme with varying shades of one color can also make the room feel larger.

2. Add Mirrors

Mirrors are a great way to create the illusion of more space. Hang a large mirror over the sink or vanity to reflect light and make the room feel larger. You can also add a mirrored cabinet or tile the entire wall with mirror tiles.

3. Utilize Vertical Space

In a small bathroom, every inch counts. Utilize vertical space by installing shelving or cabinets that reach the ceiling. This will provide ample storage without taking up valuable floor space. You can also hang baskets or organizers on the back of the door to free up space.

4. Install a Pocket Door

A traditional swinging door can take up valuable floor space in a small bathroom. Consider installing a pocket door instead. This type of door slides into the wall, freeing up space and making the room feel larger.

5. Choose the Right Lighting

Lighting can have a big impact on how a room feels. In a small bathroom, it’s important to choose the right lighting to create a bright and welcoming space. Consider adding recessed lighting or sconces to provide ample light without taking up valuable space.

6. Use a Floating Vanity

A floating vanity can make a small bathroom feel more spacious by creating the illusion of more floor space. This type of vanity is mounted to the wall, leaving the area beneath it open and free.

7. Keep it Simple

Finally, keep your small bathroom simple. Avoid clutter and unnecessary accessories that can make the space feel cramped. Stick to the essentials and choose functional, space-saving pieces.


Creating a spacious, inviting bathroom doesn’t have to be difficult. With these simple tips, you can transform your small bathroom into a relaxing retreat.


Q: How can I make my small bathroom feel bigger?

A: Use light colors, add mirrors, utilize vertical space, install a pocket door, choose the right lighting, use a floating vanity, and keep it simple.

Q: What colors should I use in a small bathroom?

A: Light colors, such as white, beige, and pastels, will make your small bathroom feel more spacious.

Q: How can I add storage to a small bathroom?

A: Utilize vertical space by installing shelving or cabinets that reach the ceiling. You can also hang baskets or organizers on the back of the door to free up space.

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