Bathroom Window Decor Ideas To Brighten Up Your Space

2 min read

Bathroom Window Decor Ideas To Brighten Up Your Space

Are you tired of staring at a plain and boring bathroom window while you take a relaxing bath? If so, it’s time to give your bathroom window a makeover! With a few simple decor ideas, you can transform your bathroom window into a beautiful and functional focal point. Here are some tips to get started.

Add a Pop of Color

One of the easiest ways to brighten up your bathroom window is to add a pop of color. Choose curtains or shades in a bright color or bold pattern that complements your existing decor. If you prefer a more neutral look, consider adding colorful accents like a vase of flowers or a decorative soap dish.

Bring in Natural Light

If your bathroom window doesn’t let in a lot of natural light, consider replacing your window treatments with something lighter and more translucent. Sheer curtains or shades can let in plenty of light while still providing privacy. You could also consider adding a skylight or installing a larger window to let in more natural light.

Add Some Greenery

Plants can add a touch of life and freshness to any space, including your bathroom window. Choose plants that thrive in humid environments, like ferns or orchids, and place them on a windowsill or in hanging planters. Not only will they look beautiful, but they’ll also help purify the air in your bathroom.

Get Creative with Window Film

If you want to add some privacy to your bathroom window without sacrificing natural light, consider installing window film. This adhesive film comes in a variety of patterns and designs, from frosted glass to stained glass. You can even use it to create a custom design that reflects your personal style.

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Display Artwork

Your bathroom window is a great place to display artwork or photographs. Choose pieces that are waterproof or framed to protect them from moisture. You could also create a gallery wall of small prints or pieces of art that can be swapped out easily for a fresh look.

Add Functional Window Treatments

If you need more privacy in your bathroom but still want to let in natural light, consider adding functional window treatments like blinds or shutters. These can be adjusted to let in light while still providing privacy. You could also consider adding a valance or cornice board to dress up the top of the window.

Accessorize with Hardware

Finally, don’t forget about the hardware! Adding decorative hardware like curtain rods, tiebacks, or window boxes can add a finishing touch to your bathroom window decor. Choose hardware that complements your existing decor or creates a fun contrast.


With these bathroom window decor ideas, you can transform your bathroom into a beautiful and functional space. Whether you want to let in more natural light, add a pop of color, or display your favorite artwork, there are plenty of options to choose from. With a little creativity and some DIY know-how, you can create a bathroom window that you’ll love for years to come.


What are some good plants for a bathroom window?

Plants that thrive in humid environments, like ferns, orchids, and spider plants, are great options for a bathroom window. Just be sure to choose plants that can tolerate low light conditions if your window doesn’t get a lot of sun.

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How can I add privacy to my bathroom window?

If you need more privacy in your bathroom, consider adding functional window treatments like blinds or shutters. You could also install window film or opt for curtains or shades that provide more coverage.

Can I hang curtains in a bathroom with a shower?

Yes, you can hang curtains in a bathroom with a shower, but it’s important to choose curtains or shades that are water-resistant or easy to clean. You may also want to consider adding a liner to protect your curtains from moisture.